5 Ways to Research the History of Your Lakeland Sandpiper Home
5 Ways to research your Lakeland Sandpiper home’s history
If you are selling or buying a Lakeland Sandpiper home, it is important to know the history of how your property had developed over the years. The history of your property can give you information that will help you in updating or fixing your Lakeland Sandpiper home for sale.
If you plan to remodel your home, you will need to know how the home was built and what was possibly added on to it and what lies behind the walls or under the floors.
Here are 5 ways you can find out about the history of your Lakeland Sandpiper home:
1. Ask the home inspector. If you are buying or selling an older home, check with the home inspector you hired and ask about all the nooks and crannies he inspected. You can also ask about the home’s foundation.
2. Talk to your neighbors. You can also talk to the people living in the area or the previous owner. You can get information about a home’s original owners once you have access to the land records.
3. Check with the register of deeds. Deed transactions are recorded in the register of deeds.. These records may be on computerized records, microfilm, or other physical publications. You just need to give the staff the address and they can help you find what you are looking for. When you begin your search, start with the most recent deed transactions and work back to the earlier records.
The legal description in the deed includes the official address, subdivision lot number, section number, township, and range of the property.
4. Visit the library. Check out old newspapers or archives of local publications that may offer any information about events that happened in your Lakeland Sandpiper home or neighborhood. This may give you a sense of the neighborhood during the time the home was built.
5. Check the patent records of the Bureau of Land Management’s General Land office. This will show you the date when the federal government first sold the land parcel to a private owner and who the owner was.
You can also check other resources like insurance maps, census data records, even marriage and death records, to see how the Lakeland Sandpiper home changed over time.
Online databases, commercial sites, and genealogical research databases can also help you discover valuable information about your property’s history.
Call me, Petra Norris, at (863) 619-6918 or send me an email at petra@petranorris.com if you’re looking for aLakeland Florida real estate agent with superior local knowledge, experience, professionalism, integrity, and personal service to help you sell or buy Lakeland Sandpiper homes for sale.
Petra Norris, REALTOR®…
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